Compliance and Risk Management is the Secret to a Successful Debt Collection Agency

Compliance and Risk Management is the Secret to a Successful Debt Collection Agency

Share this ArticleSome companies think that revenue is the most important, and compliance is a cost. “Actually, if your compliance program is working, it should be saving you money,” says Laura Knights, Gulf Coast Collection Bureau. She recently discussed the important role compliance management plays in collection in a webinar on the future of compliance management.  Hosted by Accounts Recovery, …

Safe Harbors for Email and Text Messages Under the NPR

Safe Harbors for Email and Text Messages Under the NPR

The CFPB Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPR) has been covered extensively in articles and webinars over the past few months. The prospect of using text and email messages is exciting for an industry that has been all but left out of using the latest technology. The question is, how will you use digital communication safely? Here are a few common …

How Will Limited Content Messages Fit Into Your Collection Strategy?

How Will Limited Content Messages Fit Into Your Collection Strategy

As Joann Needleman, attorney at Clark Hill, explained in a recent webinar, the CFPB’s Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPR) is intended to make debt collection practices uniform. If everyone operates the same way, though, how will you stand out? This is where a customer service strategy for your collection agency can make a difference. To differentiate yourself, prepare now to …

Call Blocking and Right Party Contact in Debt Collection

Call Blocking and Right Party Contact in Debt Collection

This blog post is based on information discussed in a recent California Association of Collectors (CAC) webinar and was co-authored by Neustar. Spam tagging and call blocking are causing a huge problem in debt collections. In the last two years, collection agencies have seen a drastic increase in their legitimate calls being blocked or mislabeled with Spam overlays. Shawn Suhr, …

CFPB Proposed New Rule: Debt Collector Do’s and Don’ts

CFPB Proposed New Rule: Debt Collector Do’s and Don’ts

Share this ArticleFor debt collectors, the CFPB’s notice of proposed rule (NPR) is becoming the embodiment of the phrase “hurry up and wait.” The Bureau’s proposed rule released in early May. Once it became public, the reaction from many experts was appreciation for the level of detail in the 500+ page document. Weeks after the release of the rules, though, …