PDCflow Payment and Communication Solutions Earns CardRates Editor’s Choice™ Award

PDCflow Payment and Communication Solutions Earns CardRates Editor's Choice™ Award

We are excited to announce our recent feature on educational credit card website CardRates! In the article, PDCflow was recognized with the Editor’s Choice™ Award for innovative payment and communication solutions.

PDCflow enables secure document transfers and payments, esignatures, and photo and file uploads. Features are available through our user interface or API integrations, so your company can take advantage of our functionality through your current platform.

Managing Workflows

PDCflow’s Flow Technology is the key to helping businesses manage workflows. Flows can be sent via email or SMS, and can include all of the components you may need in a customer communication.

  • Send a document so customers can receive paperwork digitally instead of waiting for traditional mail.
  • Get an esignature on a document, or as a simple authorization without the need to create a special template.
  • Request photo or file uploads, so your company can receive all the information that’s essential to customer accounts.
  • Track the stage of each message, so you always know the status of your deals.
“One of my favorite Flows is sending a document without having to do any work like you have to do in other platforms where you overlay elements. We provide the option to just send a document and add a simple signature to the end of it that confirms its approval.”
Kristen Makanoa
PDCflow Product Manager

Streamlining Payment Requests

Another feature CardRates highlighted was how easy it is to simplify payments with Flow Technology and other payment features.

  • Companies can easily reduce their own PCI compliance responsibilities by sending an email or SMS payment request.
  • Consumers fill in their own payment data and PDCflow captures and stores it on your behalf, reducing your compliance burden.
  • Payment requests also reduce the need for companies to reach out to consumers by phone or mail, and let them self-pay without having to speak to a representative.
  • Flows can be customized, so your company can create messages based on compliance requirements or other company needs.
  • Personalized bulk messaging makes it simple to create and send up to 5,000 payment requests at once, so you don’t have to send each message individually.

Supporting Customers

PDCflow offers a number of different support mechanisms for customers to help you succeed. Our in-house team has deep knowledge of our software features and answers to your questions are just a message or a call away.

  • Free, personalized training for everyone ensures companies get off to a great start, learning how to create the templates and access reports relevant to their business.
  • Telephone support, email ticketing systems, and Help Center articles give customers a variety of options for solving issues they may encounter.
  • Request a meeting with our Product Management team to give feedback or make functionality requests, to help us with future enhancements.
  • For those interested in our open APIs, request a sandbox account or meet with our Software Development team for support during the integration.

Do you want to use secure document and payment workflows for your business? PDCflow helps companies of all sizes operate more efficiently by streamlining payments and communications.

Request a demo with a Sales Executive today for more information.

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See how our Flow Technology can create a one-step workflow for your contracts/invoices and payments. Book a demo today.
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Consolidate multi-step processes into one easy step for your staff and customers. Eliminate the need for multiple software vendors. Send all your business transactions in one Flow smart request.
Explore Flow Technology
Hannah Huerta - PDCflow Marketing Specialist
Hannah Huerta, Marketing Specialist

Hannah Huerta is a Marketing Specialist at PDCflow. She creates content for the accounts receivable and payment industry.

LinkedIn - Hannah Huerta
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